
The State’s retirement system (non-optional participation) is a benefit for permanent full-time employees, with costs shared by the employee (6%) and the State (set by the Legislature, subject to change). Deductions are on a pre-tax basis. At retirement, employees can receive monthly payments for life (based on salary, age, and years of creditable service) or can receive a contributions refund. Employees can also request a contribution refund upon employment separation. Contributed funds earn 4% interest after five years of employment. For additional information concerning retirement, use the helpful links below. 

CCS Retirement Presentation

Online Retirement Process Map

Prudential/Empower 401(k), 457 and 403(b) Enrollment Contact

Retiree Health Insurance and Medicare Planning

Retirement Documents Required Checklist

State Health Plan Retiree Insurance Planning 2023

TSERS Retirement Planning Conference Slides